Friday, January 2, 2009

Top 10 of 08

Since the new year is here (and I have been working on this post since last year - ha) I thought I would highlight 2008 in a top 10 list. These are in no particular order of importance. The fact that they made the list makes them important! Also, I am linking to posts from this past year. Hope you enjoy looking back as much as I did.

1. Grant's Birth - This is the biggest change in our life this past year hands down. We added another person. Though he has only been here 5 months of '08, he affected the whole year. (See #2 & 3.)

2. Preparation for Grant's Birth - Contrary to the stork myth, babies don't just show up on your doorstep. Since Grant has only been here for 5 months of the year, that means the other 7 months of the year we were preparing for him. The bun was in the oven and we had to rearrange some things in order to fit him and all the baby stuff into hazelwood house. Miles moved to a new room and we had to consolidate offices - not to mention all the junk purging I had to accomplish.

3. Pregnancy - I almost grouped this with #2 but that would not be fair to me. I did grow a person inside of me for 7-8 months of this year, and a big little person at that. That is a little different than moving furniture around. This pregnancy was about the same as Miles' term though I was a tad sicker and more tired in the beginning AND the end (i used that link because it is the best late pregnancy pic of me) was more uncomfortable probably due to the full pound extra Grant was putting on. I had hoped to enjoy my second pregnancy more and try to relish in the miracle that was forming in me, but I really didn't have time to think about being pregnant because I was chasing Miles.

4. Mason passed the P.E. exam - This is a major stepping stone for Mason's professional life. Though his work hasn't changed that much, he is now an official "professional enigneer". That is important for any future career moves. It also caused him to study a lot for a few months. Anything that requires that many hours of dedicated concentration must be important.

5. Visiting with Grandaddy, MiMi and Sam - DC, Greensburg, and here: We went on a couple major trips this year and they all involved my father (Grandaddy), step-mom (MiMi or Big Mamma) and Unlce Sam (my brother - half brother if you want to get picky). We went to DC over mother's day weekend and met up with them there. It was a fun trip and was happy to share it with them. We also visited my grandmother in South LA for a few days at the same time as them. Though the intention was to see Mamaw, it was good to see them too. Lastly, Grandaddy, MiMi and Sam came to see all the new babies here - Grant and Dylan. It was a short visit but was nice to have them!

I haven't had a chance to blog on their recent visit but here is a group pic from the capitol.

6. Miles turned 1 - first birthdays are a big deal, don't you think?

7. Miles became mobile - everything that I had figured out as far as logistics with a baby changed when that baby became mobile. I had to re-evaluate the layout of our house, and what was in the cabinet, and which cabinets he could play in - as well as my mindset of general safety. Miles fell a lot while working on walking. It is nice finally now that he is almost 2 that I can hold his hand as we walk somewhere instead of carrying him - though his following direction skills aren't quite as dexterous as the walking. Which leads me back to the general midset of safety and I usually carry him still.

8. Adjusting to 2 (very young) children - It's been an adventure with two. Maybe I should rename the blog "The Great Adventure". I thought having one baby was really tough. And it is tough going from none to one because your mindset has to change. So you would think that it couldn't be that much more difficult to add another baby to the mix. And maybe for some it is not. But it has been quite the challenge for me and that might have something to do with their ages. Going anywhere takes a lot of forethought. Cooking dinner takes a lot of forethought. Working out naptime and eating schedules - which I still have not mastered - takes work and then there is the laundry.... how does adding one little person double the amount of laudry in a household of four? But, even with the challenges of having a toddler and a baby, I can see the light at the end of tunnel and I think it is going to be a lot of fun in a couple of years.

9. Miles talking - communication is a good thing. Miles now speaks and that makes figuring out his needs much easier and cuts down a lot on the frustration level. Though at times it is a rhyming game. What sounds like sneeze and relates to eat - OH you want cheese! Right now that is the extent of my intellectual challenges.

10. Realizing the blessing of good health - we ALL had colds for about 6 weeks. That is a long time to take decongestants and a lot of kleenex! Also there are several members of our church who are battling cancer and one who lost that battle though it was very sudden and short. He was only a few years older than us and a father of two. I've told Mason that he isn't allowed to get sick like that. It has really made me start questioning why some people have to deal with things like that and others don't. It's the question of the year. I don't have an answer yet. I just know that God is always by our side though it doesn't make it any more fair. The link above has been an incredible testimony of faith and I have been challenged by Candy's attitude in this situation.
Comparing a cold to cancer seems silly, but when you don't feel good - no matter how big or small - you realize how many times you take your health and the health of your loved ones for granted. So for the record, I am truly blessed for my health and that of my immediate and extended family - and my good friends too.

08 was a positive year. We had our challenges but overall I cannot complain. I am looking forward to 09 and that brings me to my next post - Resolutions for '09.


Anonymous said...

That was fun to read! '08 was busy, wasn't it!?! Kind of fills in the gaps, when you're wondering how the year passed so quickly.

Liz Harrell said...

Sorry we couldnt go out last night... we had to replace Matt's breaks and timing belt. Talk about a gut punch to the budget! But soon, we must get together soon!