Monday, January 28, 2008

Baby Part Deux

No, I am not revisiting Miles' ultrasound pictures. These are the newest photos of baby #2 at the Hazelwood House. At the time of these pictures he/she was 9.5 weeks old - we are now 11 weeks. Our due date is August 17th - for those of you who don't have the patience to count it out (which would be me.) This will make Miles and little brother/sister about 17/18 months apart.

Yes, I am feeling ok. I was a tad sick for a couple of weeks but I am now just really tired all the time. I don't know if that is the pregnancy or just already being a mom, or probably the combination of both.

I would appreciate any advice (preferably of the encouraging/helpful sort - no horror stories please) on bringing the second baby home. Any advice on being big and pregnant while raising a small child would be helpful too. I'm not to that point yet, but I am trying my best to mentally prepare myself for the "adventure" that lies ahead. If that is possible.


The Haywoods said...

Yeah! I can't wait to meet Baby Atkinson #2. I'm just sad I don't get to see you every day like I did with Miles.
You will be just fine and an awesome mother!

Liz Harrell said...

Of course, I have no frame of reference to give advice. But I'm there if you need anything, just yell. :)

I have the sneaking suspicion you'll be fabulous at juggeling. You always are.

Jessica Johnston-Myers said...

Oh wow! Oh wow! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Dennis and Danielle said...

OH MY GOODNESS! Congrats!!!
Danielle :)

Liz Harrell said...

Hey Deanna... guess you figured out that I didnt stay home this week. Hmmm.. gotta save that vacation time I guess.

Thanks for the sweet comment, I love living near you! :)

rebstar said...

DEANNA!!! i just found your blog through your facebook page...and now i've found this wonderful news!! i didn't know! i am SO happy for you and your sweet family. congratulations!! :)