If you have ever tried to call me, you know it is seldom quiet at Hazelwood House. Miles talks a lot though very little of it is discernible. I have been somewhat concerned (unnecessarily) that his language skills are not developing as they should, so I made a list of words he can say and I was shocked. It is much longer than I suspected AND everyday he has been pronouncing a new word. He doesn't use it again for a few days but I add it to the list. I thought I would share Miles' vocabulary with you - though this is not exhaustive. It is only what I could remember right now.
Animals - The only animal he actually says the name is duck. It was his first word other than Mommy and Daddy. Every other animal is identified by the noise it makes. He can make a noise for dog, cat, duck, cow, chicken, sheep, horse, tiger/lion, elephant, monkey, frog, fish, bunny.
Eating words - Juice, Apple, Bowl, Eat, Cheese, Waffle, More
People - Mommy, Daddy, Pop, Papaw, Mamaw, Baby (this isn't used often)
Other words - Book, Bath, Ball, This/That (usually accompanied by pointing), Copter (he and Mason got helicopters for Christmas and he tries to say it), Walk, Shoes, Socks, No no, Okay, Uh oh... and I know I am missing quite a few but you get the picture. He still jibbers in his usual way and with such feeling that I am convinced he knows exactly what he is saying. He even uses hand expressions while doing it. It simply gets hung up somewhere on the way out!
The other little boy at my house, though not near as verbal right now, has discovered he has a voice. About a week ago, he would just sit there and squeal just for the sake of squealing. For such a little baby, he was quite loud. He still does some singing at night before he goes to sleep but without the intensity. It's oh so sweet. Before I know it, he will be tuning along with Miles spitting out words left and right.
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