Monday, February 18, 2008

Trip down South

Here are a few pics from our recent trip to south Louisiana to visit with my paternal grandmother and other family. My dad, brother and "Big Mama" (aka Claire) met us there. Kim, Matt and Allison also made the journey down with us.

Miles with his Granddaddy. It is always great to visit with them, and to meet them in Louisiana at my Aunt Jan's made the trip more special!

Is she not the cutest thing! My Aunt and Uncle live accross the street from some horses and have chickens of their own. Allison LOVED playing outside and watching the animals. I don't think I have ever seen a child play so hard absolutely all day long (both days). By the end of the day she was pooped.

Did I mention that my family live in the middle of nowhere? So it was cards or conversation - which was a nice change from the rush of "city life". Also it was a mild 70 degrees while we were there. That made sitting on the front porch conversing quite enjoyable.

This is my brother, Sam, with Miles. Though Miles can't do much, I think he enjoyed playing with him. Miles would always reach out for him when Sam would come near.

This is my Aunt Jan and Uncle Red. As a kid I loved coming to their house. They have always been a lot of fun - as you can tell by this picture. It has been about 4 years since I have seen them and I am glad that Miles got to meet them for the first time. Miles thought they were a lot of fun too!

This is probably my favorite picture from the trip - Miles with Mamaw Denham. He enjoyed sitting on her lap and playing with her. It is great to see them both smiling so big. We never got to see her very much, but she holds a special place in my heart. Some of my fondest childhood memories were from the one week spent at her house during the summer. I also credit her with reuniting my sister and me with our father.

This is a great picture of Miles! (Mom - I see it in this picture. He does look like his Pops, only with my eyes!)

We said our goodbyes and headed home. (Please excuse Miles' missing pants. We had a mild - but stinky - blowout in the restaurant.) Overall, it was a very nice trip. I enjoyed seeing everyone and visiting. I don't know that we learned anything new about each other, but just being with them made me feel more connected to them and myself.

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