Thursday, July 3, 2008

Preferred method of movement...

In just a couple of weeks Miles has changed his preferred method of getting from point A to point B from crawling to walking. Though he has been walking for a couple of weeks, he would start off going somewhere by crawling and then later decide to stand up and walk. But in the past couple of days he now starts by walking.
His walking is getting stronger and less wobbly every day. I even dare to say he did a quick little run yesterday. With this comes more bumps and bruises. He has a lovely carpet burn right down his nose after falling (or sliding) down a carpeted incline at our church. Nice. (That is a good pair with the bruised bump on his forehead. He looks quite tough with all that.) I was going to arrange for some portraits to be made since he is walking but I think I will wait a couple more weeks for that to heal up now. Speaking of bumps and bruises, we had our first accident involving blood a couple weeks ago. He bumped into the corner of the couch and hurt something in his mouth which started bleeding. It was a little scary and I wasn't sure what to do since it was in his mouth, but after the initial pain wore off and it quit bleeding, Miles did not care about it.
Here's a video. Look at our big boy go!

Miles Update:
We went to the dr for our 15 mo check-up last week and here are his new measurements:
weight - 26 lbs (25 and 14.5 oz to be exact)
length - 32 inches
head - 51 cm (huge - i know!)

He is understanding more and more each day. He will say hi and bye - at the appropriate times. He blows kisses - which I did not teach him. I am not sure where he picked that up - but it is oh so sweet. He has also started making sound effects with almost everything. He picks up the hairdryer and humms, anything with wheels makes a raspberry sound (like a motor), and if it looks like a cleaner or toiletry item, it goes psss. It's very amusing. Outside is by far his favorite place to be and will strongly protest whenever we go inside. His favorite toys are usually not toys at all - which has been the case all along. He will play with the broom, vacuum or cleaning brush for extended periods of time; anything with buttons (i.e. remote controls, keyboards, and cell phones) is a delight; and putting things in and out (mostly out) of boxes is a favorite past time. He also likes taking bottles, bowls and spoons and will cook up something for you (he has seen that done a few times.) He is very rhythmic and will sing and dance without prompting if it has a good beat. The other day he was jamming in the car to Queen's version of Crazy Little Thing Called Love - clapping, singing, and bouncing his head. Very cute! (Here is a little taste of him singing in the car. It can get much more animated than this.)

His favorite foods are starting to change somewhat. I recently discovered that he LOVES blueberries, and strawberries will do in a pinch. Spaghetti is still high on his list and broccoli is his favorite veggie. Fish sticks or nuggets in ketchup are also a new menu item for him - and he loves it - but why wouldn't he? We have also recently added whole milk to his diet. We transitioned from soy milk to organic 2%, and then to organic whole to regular whole milk. I wish we could stay on the organic as I am sure it is better for him, but it is $8 a gallon! Geez. Some days he won't eat much because he is too much of a busy-body, but over all he is still a great eater.

1 comment:

Liz Harrell said...

Ok. I was having a really cruddy day until I watched these videos! Give Miles a big hug and thank him for cheering me up! :)