Monday, August 4, 2008


It finally happened. We have every nook and cranny of our little house stuffed to its maximum capacity. And now there is even space for another baby. Who would have thought? I surely didn't. I was convinced we were going to have to move - and then I was convinced later, we couldn't move.

So Miles now has his very own room. The walls have been painted. Furniture has been arranged. All his belongings are in his new place. He has even slept in there a night or two. We had a few problems the first day but now he knows it is his room. If you say "lets go to your room," he runs back to his new corner of the house. I plan on posting pictures but every time i get a chance to do it, Miles is asleep in there. I will have to do it later - so stay tuned.

We also, finally, cleaned up the office. I'm still not crazy about the way it looks but it is 100% better thank it was. We even hung a picture. I don't know what it is about wall hangings but it seems to take us a good 5 years to get around to it. I think it is the commitment involved. Once you nail those holes - it is going to stay there until we move because there is no way we are going to spakle and paint in order to move it. Which that also usually requires keeping the furniture in the same formation and that bothers me. I have moved our living room around several times - seasonally actually. Luckily there is no wall space in there for us to wrestle with. Anyway, now the grandmothers can have a little room of their own when Grant comes via the sleeper sofa. Atleast they won't have to feel like they are sleeping in a storage facility and I am sure they are glad about that.

In addition to the aforementioned projects, this weekend I finished a longtime work in progress figuring it will never see the light of day post-baby #2. I started a series of paintings for Allison for her room when she turned one. She will be three this upcoming birthday. She is now moving to her big girl room and I figured I should finish those before she turned 13. I think they might loose their appeal at that point. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of them before I turned them over to my sister - but Kim has assured me she will take pictures as soon as she hangs them on the wall. (Let's just hope she hangs pictures before I do.) Turns out Allison was very fond of them and even went and picked out a place on her walls for them. That makes me very happy. Oh - you want to know what they are paintings of ? Ballerina frogs. She has this frog lovey that she sleeps with so that is why i chose frogs. And her room was green and pink so that was the first thing that came to mind. Again, stay tuned for photos.

Lastly, I worked on some "art" for my boys' rooms. I use the term art very loosely. I bought some big letters and spelled out their names; covered them with pretty paper; distressed them and am now working on getting them hung. I have to glue some hangie-things (technical term) on them so they have some way to stay up on the wall. As soon as that is done we will put them up. HA! Lets hope Miles isn't starting kindergarten when that happens. Again - no picture yet.

How did I do all of this in a weekend? I have asked myself that question. I have two answers:
1. Mason's parents - Gran and Pop volunteered to keep Miles while we finished up the house. It would have been IMPOSSIBLE to do all that while tending to Miles. I can't say thank you enough. (And to be fair, my parents kept him during church. Thank you too.)
2. Nesting instinct - I usually would not have the ambition or motivation to get this much done other than I know another baby is just around the corner. I guess I am afraid that after Grant gets here that I will never leave the house or have another free moment to myself. I suppose that might be a slight exaggeration but if I expect the worse, I won't be disappointed if it turns out better. Quite the "half empty" outlook but it has gotten me through life without a major meltdown thus far. I don't handle disappointment well.

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