Thursday, November 29, 2007

A few of my favorite things...

Now that we have increased our cable package we receive the radio channels which I LOVE this time of year because I can get non-stop "holiday" music. I know this tires some people, and keeps the criminals from loitering about parking lots, but I cannot get enough of it. It is the only time of year that Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, and Frank Sinatra become mainstream. The other day I heard the "Sound of Music" song, "A Few of My Favorite Things" on the Holiday channel. I never really considered that a holiday song - I guess all the snowflakes on our nose and eyelashes, and the pretty packages all tied up with string bumps it into that category. I thought I would show you one of my favorite things. I absolutely LOVE, ADORE - I have a Melt-my-heart type infatuation with Miles' laughs, and the great part is that it is not that hard to come by. He is extremely ticklish and is a happy baby so I get this treat often. Life wouldn't be worth living without it (slight exaggeration.) This really isn't the best video of him laughing but the only one we have for now. Sometimes he gets the "fat man" belly laugh and it would tickle (no pun intended) anyone.


Liz Harrell said...

That's the cutest thing I've ever seen. Nothing sounds happier than Miles laughing!

Matt and Kim Cleveland said...

I wish you would have listed some more of your favorite things so I would know what to get you for Christmas! I would capture Miles' laugh in a bottle if I could....but I don't think that's possible.