Thursday, December 6, 2007


I didn't intend for this picture to be about Miles' tooth, but its about as good as it is going to get if you want to see the tooth. If you look hard you can see the one little tooth standing on the bottom front. It looks a little crooked which gives it character, right? Poor kid doesn't have much of a chance with straight teeth. Sure, I have beautiful straight teeth now, but that was after 6 years of carefully planned orthodontic strategy. Thanks Dr. Devinny.
I do believe Miles will be getting another tooth soon. He has been clingy today and chewing, or rather rubbing things across his bottom gums. I just hope it doesn't cause an ear infection again.
This made me think about the tooth fairy - I realize I have several years before I officially have to worry about this but when something was left under my pillow in exchange for my tooth, it was usually a quarter or two. I heard of some kids getting dollars - up to five - for each tooth. With the rate of inflation, I wonder what we will have to fork out in exchange.

Also, I would like to add that we are doing much better with the sippy cup skills (to add to his mad numchuck skills.) I don't know that sippy cup skills are essential in life, and I really don't know why you can't just go from a bottle to a cup, but I guess they prevent spillage. And that is useful. I was wondering there for a while if he would ever get the hang of it, but obviously he did. For the longest time, he would just stick his neck out waiting for me to place the cup in his mouth and then tilt it back for him. Maybe watching his bud, Sam, at church helped. It was like one day he woke up and knew exactly what to do with it. I don't know why that surprises me. That has been how every other skill has occurred.

I really like this picture. I giggle inside every time I see it. It just looks like Miles is hanging out on the couch with Mason. I guess he is, but it's only because I set him there :0)


Liz Harrell said...

Ahhh.. that is adorable. He is just the happiest little man, and keeps getting cuter and cuter!

Dennis and Danielle said...

I love these pics! Great TOOTH Miles! Natalie has 3 now... it's crazy!