Tuesday, November 20, 2007

All I want for Thanksgiving?

All Miles wanted for Christmas was his two front teeth - but it looks like he will be getting them in time for turkey! Miles has cut one front bottom tooth and I think there is a second one right next to it coming through. It is very difficult to try and look in his mouth as he sticks his tongue right over where the teeth are coming through. I get the best view when I am feeding him. He opens his little mouth wide and I can get a peep in to see the toothies. I thought I saw two Sunday, but the past two days I have triedto see if I can feel it, but i only feel the big one coming through. I am sure we will see soon enough.
Miles has had a terrible runny nose and was rubbing toys back and forth across his gums = as well as all the drooling - last Monday and I suspected we would be getting a tooth soon. A few days later you could feel the little sharp point poking through and then the following day a nasty cough. We went to the doctor and he said that Miles was working on an ear infection from all that congestion in his head. As pitiful as he sounds it seems the teeth bother him more than the snotty nose and cough. Maybe I will be able to get a picture after they have poked through all the way - but don't hold your breath.

1 comment:

Liz Harrell said...

I'm waiting for more cute pictures of Miles... I check everyday. Ahem. :)