Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Miles is a good eater and always has been. (Atleast for now.) We have only found one thing he won't eat and I don't blame him - it's pasta primavera baby food. Anyway, I made chicken tetrazinni the other night and he thoroughly enjoyed it. He is eating a lot of the same foods that mason and I eat these days. It makes feeding time much easier and more fun too.

Also you can get a good view of his two top teeth in one of the below pics. They are big ones and I am afraid they are going to have a huge gap between them! I am hoping when the other ones come in, they will push together some. They kind of look like chipmunk teeth right now. But I didn't say that.

You will also notice that he is a ham. I don't know where he gets that from. Just call him Mr. Personality.

1 comment:

Liz Harrell said...

What an angel. That chicken does look tasty! :)