Sunday, January 18, 2009

I've been waiting for this...

I have been waiting for the day when Miles would embrace the idea of big brother and love on Grant without being pushed in that direction. This past week it happened. Grant was lieing on the floor and Miles tried to pick him up - by his feet, arms, whatever he could get a hold of. I explained that if he sat down, he could hold him. He immediately ran to the recliner and I placed Grant in his lap. Instead of pushing him away, he wrapped his little arms around him and gave a gentle squeeze. Awwwww. Then he stroked his head "softly". Awwww. And then he gave his tummy a little pat. Awwww. And I didn't have my camera. Argggg. If I left the room to get it, I knew Miles would throw him to the ground as he tried to follow me out the door, so I just savored the moment and hoped it would happen again. Sure enough a couple days later it did, and my camera was in the same room! What are the chances of that?


Matt and Kim Cleveland said...

Aaawwwwwww! priceless pics!

ChrisandLogue said...

Awww is right! That is so precious

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Miles! Big brothers are the best....

Glad you captured the moment!

The Haywoods said...

Lovesit!!!! Those two are quite possibly the cutest boys I have ever seen. This picture most certainly deserves a frame.

Liz Harrell said...

ADORABLE boys. Just adorable.