Monday, November 17, 2008

Miles' ABCs

I have had blogger's block and don't know really what to blog. Lot's of fun things have happened but I just don't know which one to write about and I don't have time to talk about them all. My friend Laura did this on her page so I thought I would do it from Miles' perspective. I thought it was a cute idea - what do you think?

A is for age: I turned 20 months on November 1st. The big #2 is right around the corner.

B is for burger of choice: McDonalds, but Mommy has to help me hold it together. I'm not real good at sandwich handling yet.

C is for the car I drive: I have a tonka truck complete with horn and blinkers.

D is for your dog's name: A stuffed one named Yukon. (Gran and Pop brought him back from Alaska.) I sleep with him every night. Almost.

E is for essential item you use every day: My sippy cup

F is for favorite TV show at the moment: Curious George hands down!

G is for favorite game: Tickle Me with Daddy

H is for home state: Arkansas

I is for instruments you play: Harmonica, Piano, Drums, Guitar - I'm quite musical

J is for favorite juice: I like them all. It's also my favorite word to say "JOOCE".

K is for a habit you'd like to kick: This whole diaper thing is a drag. I need to work on my potty skills. Also due to some language limitations, I like to point and grunt or whine. I need to work on the communication skills too.

L is for last restaurant at which you ate: Flying Fish (Also happens to be the first restaurant I ever ate at. What a coincidence.)

M is for your favorite Movie: Curious George the movie

N is for number of piercings: I don't know. What's a piercing?

O is for overnight hospital stays: I've heard that I stayed at the hospital after I was born? Does that count?

P is for people you were with today: Mommy,Daddy, and Grant

R is for biggest regret: Regrets? I'm only one.

S is for status: toddler

T is for time you woke up today: Around 7 a.m. I slept in.

U is for what you consider unique about yourself: I have a very unique language. It's a cross between chinese and spanish and for some reason when I speak it people just stare at me. I know what I am saying but they just sit there. I don't get it.

V is for vegetable you love: English Peas or Broccoli. It's a tie.

W is for wedding date: I'm holding out for the right girl, though Scarlett is pretty cute.

X is for x-rays you've had: I had a chest x-ray once and it was quite traumatic. Mommy had Grant in her tummy so she couldn't hold me. It took 2 nurses to hold me down while they did it.

Y is for yummy food you ate today: oatmeal, banana, nutri-grain bar, chicken nuggets, english peas, and pears.

Z is for zodiac: Pisces. Whatever that means? We say "Z is for Zebra" at my house.


The Haywoods said...

Love it!

Beth said...

That is so cute!!! (and yes, Scarlett would be a GREAT catch for a wedding day!). I might have to use the ABC thing if you don't mind sometime - I haven't blogged in awhile cuz I really haven't had anything interesting to say!!!! Your pics are great! The ones of Grant are excellent-o! We REALLY need our kiddos to get healthy and go take some pics!! (since we are friends, I thought I could mooch off of your photographic skilz!)

Anonymous said...

i gave harrison 6 air tattos I surely can give Miles some