Sunday, August 24, 2008

He's going to live where?

Miles when he first saw us and Grant.

Miles after he learned Grant was coming home to stay.

Many thanks to my talented sister-in-law for these pics. I was laughing so hard after seeing them I had to sit down. Miles is handling the adjustment ok. The hardest thing has been me not being able to pick him up. He doesn't quite understand it when the doctor says I can't lift anything over 10 lbs and that he is 26. This was a hurdle I didn't even take into consideration when making plans to come home.
Miles is learning what it means to be gentle and soft when touching the baby - instead of whacking him and poking his head. I can see progress in the few days we have been home, so that is encouraging.
He is sharing the attention ok now but I am a little concerned what is going to happen when it is just me and the two boys at home alone. We have had lots of help from our parents but when that extra attention is gone we may have some new issues.

More to come...


Liz Harrell said...

Oh my gosh Deanna. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Beth said...

Poor Miles-ee-poo! Tell him he can come live here! Scarlett would have a GREAT time (until he sat in her momma's lap!). Oh yeah - I must mention - I DON'T see my blog on your blogroll. Just thought I would let ya know - no hard feelings!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We better stick together through this, Miles. I've got one of those crying things at my house, too. Our parents have lost their minds. --Sam