Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ramblings on boyhood

So the ultrasound lady pointed to the screen and said "See that." My response was "Not really - but since you are pointing at something it must be a boy." It's a BOY!
Miles will have a little brother to torture - but really they will probably feel kind of like twins. I don't remember life without my sister since we are only 15 months apart - and I like it that way. I hope Miles and brother will feel that way and not be arch enemies.

I do realize that I will probably have to break up fist fights, hose the mud off them in the backyard, and search for the frog that gets loose in the house. It makes me excited - giggle actually. I have always felt I would live in a house full of boys. Just a hunch. It fits my personality. People think I should be sad that I don't get to buy frilly dresses and have a permanent shopping partner, but I have never been one for frilly dresses and I recall sitting in on a shopping excursion with my husband's mom and sister, and it was painful. I have been more afraid I would have a girl and she would be girlie. Then I wouldn't know what to do with her. Other advantages of having boys - no weddings to pay for, though Mason's co-worker told us it is the groom's family who pays for the wedding in his homeland of Jordan. Maybe Miles and his brother won't marry a Jordanian woman. I have also heard the reasoning that when you have a boy you only have to worry about that one boy (or two in our case) but if you have a little girl, you have to worry about ALL the little boys out there. (See the Bill Cosby quote.)

Now for the fun part - naming and shopping. (That probably seems contradictory to my previous statements.) I love picking out names. I would immediately name any stuffed animal or doll I had as a child. I was heartbroken when I realized my cabbage patch doll came with a name - Peggy. I could think of a better name than that. So coming up with names is not the problem. It's that I have to be in agreement with Mason, and it has to match the rest of our names. It took Mason and me 5 good years to come up with Miles. I feel a lot of pressure to dream up another classy, intelligent sounding, timeless but creative name. We both like the name Joaquim but he would sound adopted: Mason, Deanna, Miles, and Joaquim...that just doesn't "go". There are a few leftovers from naming Miles but I want to think we created this name just for him - but on the flip side, I guess he should get used to hand-me-downs early on.
That brings me to the shopping part - picking out nursery decor. Baby 2 will be moved into Miles' current room (hand-me-downs already) and Miles will get a new room. Atleast that is the plan today. We have a crib borrowed and need to outfit it. With Miles, I searched and searched for bedding that was baby, but not too baby; not all blue but still boy looking; not covered in some character or animal or theme; modern with clean lines but not too mod. It was a hard search and a big bill to fill. I settled on custom made bedding with a custom price tag. That was my big lesson learned - we're not doing that again. After an hour or so searching on the internet I found EXACTLY what i wanted. It's absolutely perfect. The only downside - we will need to paint a room. Any volunteers?


Matt and Kim Cleveland said...

I'm always up for painting (except for in rooms with roaches) but guess I'm not really supposed to. Matt may be mad if I volunteer his services but I'm sure the offer would be reciprocated. All your name searching has got me in the mood - I read my entire name book yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Love that nursery- the colors, design, everything! You need to tell me where you searched for nursery ideas - I still have no ideas.