Tuesday, March 4, 2008

First and Only...

We got what will probably be our first and only snow of the winter - and Miles' first snow as well. Its really not much, but enough to make everything pretty and white. I took Miles out early while flakes were still falling and he thought it was fun. He would reach for the snow and when it fell on his face he would scrunch it up in his "ham face". I couldn't put him down in it because we don't have any appropriate snowbaby clothes. I am pretty sure snow down the diaper would be a little startling.
After we came in, I sat and drank my (then cold) coffee while watching the snow fall and just sighed. I know it is all going to be gone by mid-afternoon.

If you have been around me much you know I have been whining about it being cold. I don't mind the cold as long as it snows. But cold weather without snow seems like a total waste. So if it has to be cold after a beautiful teaser 75 degree weekend - let it snow!

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