Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Florida - Day 1

I thought I would keep a daily log of our journey. We will see if i keep it up.
We left 5 min earlier than our ETD - 4:55 am. It was a miracle. Miles woke up at 3:30 so i just stayed up. Lets just say its been a long day.

Miles was ok on the trip. He was on the fussy side this morning but after lunch he was good and took a good 2 hour nap in the car. After about hour 10 in the car he was ready to get out and would put up a little protest whenever we would snap him in the carseat.
It seems like the last hour and a half were an eternity. I am sure it had nothing to do with the screaming baby in the backseat. it only took 12 hours.

Our place is really nice. It is very "pottery barn" which I like. Miles is going to have to sleep in the room with us which I wasn't thrilled about. i don't sleep well when he is in our room. But i was probably not going to sleep well anyway.
I will post more pictures of our place when i can take some better pictures. We got our stuff unpacked and had pizza tonight.

Here is a picture of Pensacola Beach. It was prettier than I thought it would be. We stopped real quick and took a few pics. We were surprised how few people were out. Hopefully it will stay that way atleast until Friday. Visit more pics here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish we could go to FL. Everything looks so pretty! Great pics :)
