Thursday, March 5, 2009


This is the time of year when things start blooming - Daffodils, Irises, Tulips. Miles' language skills have been blooming themselves, and like the flowers, come out of nowhere. One day he wakes up and will say a new word. Honestly, he says a new word almost daily. Some more constructive than others. I have the "ah-ha" moment when he says a new word. He says it, and carries on as normal. I believe it's because he has been saying it all along. We just could not understand him.

It must have been a good winter for Daffodils. Most of ours are blooming but none of my Lilies of the valley are. I have about 2 dozen Iris blooms coming up as well. They will be pretty after they open.

My favorite new word moment happened after I had changed his diaper. He was standing on the changing table, so he was taller than me. He leaned down eye to eye, right up in my face; put his finger on my nose and said "Noooose". Then he immediately put his finger on my mouth and said "maaoouth". Last he picked up my hair and stuck his finger in my ear and said "EOoor." He has a really hard time with that one. He says them very deliberately and slowly like he is thinking very hard about it - and i am sure he is. Other new words this week - Lelmo (elmo) and paper.
I had been worried that his speech was not developing on track. And it still seems very muddled but my friends assure me this is normal. We had our nutrition study visit recently (at which they track his development) and I had to circle all the words Miles says. I was surprised how many were circled. I also had to write in the words not listed and I know I missed 5 or 6, probably more. So that reassured me that we are moving in the right direction.

So smart! The freezer bar is just his height. I need to get him some magnet toys.

Grant has been sitting up supervised. I tried leaving him sitting up on the floor while I fixed breakfast and he fell over on his face on the hardwood floors. He didn't appreciate that. So we aren't quite to sitting all alone yet. Since moving to his big-boy carseat, he has been perfecting this skill. Since his carseat does not come out of the car, he has to sit in a high-chair at restaurants, or the buggy at stores - and when you can't do that on your own, it poses a problem. For now we have been toting the infant carrier in the trunk and using it when we are shopping or go out to eat. I don't think we will have to do it much longer. Everyday he gets stronger. It's hard to steady all that weight!
Grant has also moved up to the Jumper-roo. Many of you know Miles was the jumperroo king so Grant has big shoes to fill. Right now, he enjoys standing in it and playing with the toys. He doesn't really do much jumping. It seems to capture his attention more than the swing these days. Grant liked being in the swing but he gets bored in it now.

Some of Mason's lettuce crop. It's probably double this size now.

Daffodils are the first to poke their heads out. It must have been a good season for daffodils b/c we have more than normal that bloomed though my lilies of the valley did not bloom at all. I also have about 2 dozen iris heads forming.

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