Friday, May 14, 2010

Potty Training 101 - PASS

News from the potty training front, and I dare not speak the words because they will probably come back to bite me, but Miles has passed Potty-Training 101. We made a concentrated effort this week to work on this. Our original intention was to do both of them but I couldn't handle the mess and intensity of doing two children at once (even with the best help) and decided to focus on Miles and save Grant for another day. Even with that small hiccup in our plans, I am pleased with the outcome.
This go around I used a step by step method laid out in the Potty Boot Camp. Who knows if this stuck because it's the third or fourth attempt at potty training or if it's because we used a new method, but I'm not going to focus on what could have been or should have been. Maybe it's because he is just now ready. Who knows. I'm changing half the number of diapers a day and I'm liking it.

Also in Hazelwood House blog site news, I have decided to make my posts much shorter. There are so many things I want to journal on here, but because of the time I like to spend on them, extended posts are impossible to get to, especially when I am still trying to work on What's for Dinner? blog. So maybe you can check in here more frequently since it shouldn't take you as long to read our entries.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Way to go Miles AND mama!!! I know it ain't easy, so happy for you both!