Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cold White Stuff

I didn't know what I was going to blog about and then poof, we got a heavy dusting of cold white stuff. It wasn't snow but more like sleet with a small layer of snow on top. It was still pretty and worthy of playing (and taking pictures.)

We did a lot of chasing in the snow because you couldn't make snowballs or snowmen.

Our pristine patio before we trampled all over it.

I promise I did not tell him to stare in amazement at the falling snow. (Not that he would have listened anyway.)

They both did a lot of looking down as they walked on the wintry mix. It was crunchy and slippery and cold.

We also all took advantage of our big hill driveway and did a little sledding.
Here is video of Miles sledding. He enjoyed it. Here is video of Grant and Mason sledding. Grant was finished with the cold. Immediately following that video he threw a screaming shivering fit and we went inside.

I caught Grant waving as we were heading inside (but you wouldn't know about the fit by this picture.)

Grant was amazed with the "tweet tweets"

Grant's favorite thing to do in the backyard snow or no snow, is to go up...

and down...

and back up these stairs. I'm sure it is great fun for him but scares me to death. Those brick corners are sharp.

And it might be cold out but this picture would melt any heart.

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