Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Myrtle Beach

The 3 followers of this blog probably already know that we went to Myrtle Beach with Mason's family earlier this month. But for the rest of you who have randomly stumbled on here, and for the record, here are a few of the highlights from the trip.

The Beach:
(Need I say more?)

Grant walking:
Though it was only a dozen steps or so, I think that counts as the beginning of walking. And how poetic that it was at the beach.

Lots of time with Gran and Pop:
We did a lot of hanging out with Gran and Pop. We even went to the aquarium one day when Pop had a free afternoon.

Playing in the sand:
Miles made sandcastles - or at least gave it a really good effort. Grant enjoyed crawling around in the wet sand. I liked taking walks on the beach and finding shells. It was definitely a high point for almost everyone.

We also were able to visit with Grandaddy, Mimi, and Uncle Sam while we were in the area. They came over for the weekend and we got to bum around town with them. It is always a good thing to see them! Unfortunately I have no photos to prove of our encounter.

I had a really nice imovie slideshow made with music in the backround and everything. Then the program crashed on me and I could not muster up the energy to do it again, so this is what you get instead. You would have never known the difference. Since half of the experience of the beach is the wooshing of the waves (just ask Miles about that) then here is a little video for your enjoyment.


Beth said...

I am proud to be one of your followers :)

Franks Family said...

Wow, what a handsome family! I can't believe how big Miles and Grant have gotten. We missing seeing you, but thanks for keeping us updated with your blog! Merry Christmas!