Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Photo Fun

He is going to hate me for this when he is 14 but how could I not show this off? Every great tennis star needs monster rain boots. He put the boots on all by himself and on the correct feet as well, and then came tromping down the hall singing/screaming at the top of his lungs with his tennis racket swinging (which is actually a No-No here at Hazelwood house.) This picture also shows off Miles pre-haircut.

Here is Miles post-haircut. He looks like a big boy now. We were practicing for naptime at school by sleeping on his mat on the floor of his room. Even though he did go to sleep that afternoon, it didn't help his first day of school. He was the only kid in his class that did not take a nap at all. Boo Hiss.

Grant and his cousin Dylan. They are 3 mos apart. We did not call and coordinate their outfits. I promise. Grant looks like he is going to crawl over Dylan to get to his mommy. "Get out of my way!" They are both very busy and fast little boys.

Grant's shaggy hair after a really good nap. It is getting time to get his hair trimmed so he doesn't look quite so unkempt. It is long around the ears and in the back, and ALWAYS wants to stand up right in the middle on top. I hope the Dennis the Menace hair does not indicate anything else.

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