Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Need Knows No Season

No. It's not Christmas In July. Our church helped out the salvation army (since they are behind in their receipts but have an increased request of services) with a little extra bell ringing. I got some funny looks but I would say the majority of people gave and were supportive of the Salvation Army in general.
I thought this would be a good opportunity for Miles to have some exposure to charity and to make noise with my permission. He wasn't as enthusiastic about the bell ringing as I thought he would be.

He was a good helper. He did not want to put the money in the bucket but would say a cute little "tank you" to the donors.

He hung in there for about an hour before I had to call Mason to come get him and take him in the mall.
How could you resist THAT face!

I pray we will never be in the position to need their help - but you never know. I know your budget is tight, but I would encourage you to donate a buck or two, even if you wait until Christmas. But now would be better. Need knows no season.

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