Monday, April 27, 2009

What's new?

Occasionally people ask me what is new with us. I rarely can think of anything to say other than, "Oh nothing. Same old. Same old." So to combat that speechless question I am coming up with a few minor "eventful" occurrences here at the Hazelwood House. So if you ask me anytime soon the dreaded question, "What's new?", this will be the response.

Our little patio beds covered in phlox. We could never keep anything alive in them until we discovered how beautiful and easy phlox was to grow. I gave up with the annuals and planted a big bed of it. It is very pretty cascading over the walls.

1. Gardening season. Though it is quite small in comparison with either of our grandparent's home gardens in the past, I feel it is an accomplishment to be proud of. We have tried our hand at this 3 years in a row with questionable results, but I have a good feeling about this year. We have tomatoes - Better Boy, Sweet 100s, Arkansas Travellers, and Mr. Stripeys; yellow squash; zucchini; okra; pole beans; and a strawberry. I also have planted a larger herb garden this year: basil, oregano, sage, and cilantro. Right now the cilantro is doing the best. I have already had to replace the basil and the sage looks as if something is nibbling it. Ask us in a few months and we will see if my optimism is still full throttle.

Miles inspecting this year's plant selection.

I really want to pass on to Miles and Grant the understanding of where food comes from and the satisfaction that growing your own food fulfills. And it tastes better than the produce you buy at the store too. I'm hoping that will be an obvious one.

It must have been a great winter for bulb plants. My Irises not only bloomed but seemed to be larger than life. The blooms were as large as my head!

2. Tooth update. I've been saying for months that Grant was teething with no results. My children have a tendency to make a liar out of me. This past week I felt a little hard smooth tooth poking its way through. One down, quite a few more to go.

Grant outside in the swing sucking on his bottom lip because his paci was displaced.

Grant at mealtime. He is eating all baby foods and we are moving on to table food. I know that at 9 mos. Miles was eating mostly table foods. Grant may be a tad behind on his eating skills.
I know. You wouldn't know it by looking at him.

Where Grant may be behind on his table manners, he is going to make up in mobility. Though we aren't crawling or scooting yet, he is quite a reacher and has started the occasional rocking. Miles hadn't showed any signs of mobility at this point. But trust me, I am not pushing it. I just think he is going to be up and around sooner than Miles.

3. Juice and TV Detox. We have taken Miles off all juice (and milk now too) due to some unpleasant diaper issues. I will spare you the details. I know you are thinking , "Whats the big deal?" But if you have stayed with Miles for more than an hour you know that JOOCE is one of his favorite words and things. To him, juice is any kind of liquid refreshment: water-juice, moo-juice, and juice-juice. I thought it was going to be a painful transition but he hasn't questioned it once. As long as he doesn't see the pitcher in the fridge, or anyone else drinking it, he is ok. Now the real-deal juice (still dilluted) is a treat instead of the norm.

Our other issue with Miles is that the boy loves TV/movies. He will sit and watch a full-length feature cartoon. I even think I could take him to a movie at the theater and he would be content sitting and watching. For a 2 year old, I don't think that is common. Since we watch non-commercial programming, I do not have any real issues with TV other than I know that he should be playing instead of sitting watching the boob tube. And that playing is essential for him to learn pretty much all the skills he needs as he grows. He still probably watches more TV than he ought to, but I've gotten to where I turn it off more. It seems to be much more painful than the juice detox. There is wailing and gnashing of teeth for just a couple of minutes but then he finds something to play with and is content.

Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth? Really? With that face? (I am pretty sure he is watching Curious George here - hence the content and satisfied look on his face.)

Peek-a-Boo ("Boo Boo" as Miles says it.)

Post-spaghetti dinner with his water-juice. I have started adding ice to his water. As simple as that seems, it adds a surprise element to his drinking experience. Whatever works...

So that is what is going on at the Hazelwood House here lately. Our calendar is filling up quickly and maybe we will have some more interesting things to post in the near future.


Kathy said...

We have some phlox, too. I love how much you have in one planter - it looks really good. We just have a little here and there. I'm envious of your garden. I'm starting with tomatoes and green peppers this year to see I have a green thumb or not, then hopefully next year I'll be able to add more to our "garden."

Yay for Grant's tooth!

Sarah said...

Oh, the juice issue!!! My 15 month old has a problem with milk, so I dilute his juice...really it's all water with about 1/2 ounce of juice. If not, major 4 times a day. I figure if he never tastes the real thing, he won't know what he is missing...let's hope that last a long time!
Love the phlox!

Matt and Kim Cleveland said...

I think all the green genes went to you - I killed an aloe vera plant for goodness sake. Your phlox is very pretty as well as that pic of Miles. Way to go on the detoxes...Allison needs to partake in a tv detox also.

Amy Livers said...

I like your approach to "what's new?" and will try it. Your phlox is gorgeous! If my coneflowers, zinnias, sunflowers, and nasturtium don't thrive, I'll have to try that, too. Can't wait to see photos of the vegetable/herb garden. And, of course, love the photos of the boys!